Saturday, October 6, 2007

Monday, October 1, 2007

Monday night fun

So I messed up with my post. I should have put this one first and then Ethan on top.. OOPS
Before bed time to night, Rod and the kids had some much needed fun.

Yes he is saying CHEESE
Crazy hair

I got a ok shot of Rod the other morn

So I forgot to post this way back when. Ethan was tossing his shoes off the bed, when one of the shoes took flight into his window. Boy this kid has him self a arm. So all in all we will Get new glass or a window. Its still up in the air.
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He is a silly little boy.

I know its been awhile, so here you all go. First off lets show off Ethan While I was trying to take his pic, he was running away telling me NO CHEESE. Meaning he didn't want his pic taken. Oh well how else is am I to learn this cam.

I was able to get many faces of Ethan while I snaped away.
He is really turning out to be a little ham at times.