Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Time to update.

Wow its been a long time since I updated this blog. Sorry, family and friends. So I'm making it up to you with a months worth of pic and the things we did. The pic have been up loaded to pass to now. 

I took the kids to the capital park today. Even though we had to run home and get Ethan a change. I took the kids back to run around and try to get a shot or two of them. Let me tell you I really had no luck.

PAINT JOB..... Guess who little piggies are those.
YES!! Ethans crazy kid. HE found my finger nail polish and had a job. He told me he likes the purple the best. 
Pool fun!!! Rod's dad came down with 3 of the 4 kids. The twins had a ball game to goto. It was so nice to have them here for a few days. The kids just loved playing with the uncles. 

First day of pre school for Olivia. This girl would not for the life of her give me a great shot. She was just ready to goto school. What a big girl. Now if she would just pee in the potty.

I just really love this pic with Olivia holding onto Max.
Do you see it???? Ethan drew a fly. I could see it right off So I took a pic of the board before he went back to draw another pic. 
Strawberry picking time with Mimi . The kids where really not to sure about the trip to pick. BUt for the most part they where great. Had a great time with Liz that day. WE picked lots of strawberry's that day also.

Wind Jammer Days. I brought the kids down to see the big ships and the fire works. Ethan is still talking about them today.

So thats it everything for a month. I hope you don't hate me to much. I'll stay on top of things better I hope. Love you all lori