Saturday, October 18, 2008

While we wait 10/17

Today we went to look at a house. It turns out the foundation is cracking So we are moving on. While the kids and I waited for Rod and Larry (agent) I took some snap shots of Olivia playing in the over grown lawn. I love the first pic if my truck wasn't there. 

Waiting for Ethan 10/15

She is right into Dinos and Little plastic animals. WE went to the Christmas tree shop while we waited for Ethan to get out of speech. While we was their she spotted more Dinos so for only 1.00$ each I picked up 4. She was a cutie for these pic.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Oct 3rd

So Ethan came home 2 days ago and said. " I wanna be a pirate!" With seeing the christmas tree shop having a add for a Pirate costume for 6.99 I had to get it. As soon as he saw it in the truck when I picked him up at school he wanted it on fast. He was so cute going arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! 
Play doe its all the fun at our house. Not only does the cutters get used,but all the toys make a way into the doe as well. Can I just tell you all how much I'm in love with the little desk I found for 1.99. With panting them up and putting them in the kitchen the kids spend more time doing crafts then banging around with the other toys. 

Sept 26th Time to Paint

It was time! Ethan's room really needed a paint job. Ethan got to pick out his color and everything. Of course people knowing Ethan very well knows he LOVES lobsters and Crabs. I also have to add sharks to the list too. So the color really makes you feel your under the sea. WE are looking for crab decals that go on the walls and sea life to make it really something special for him. 

Sept 7th

Marker is the new make up didn't you know. This is what happens when I just let her play while I fix supper and don't watch her. See her pants? They needed color also.